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Enjoying tradition and history

Enjoying tradition and history

Enjoying tradition and history

“Mangiare a Tarvisio” (Culinary experiences in Tarvisio) ... which means discovering the tradition of Valcanale - which often had to accept border displacements  - revealing itself through harmonious combinations of old traditional dishes from the cultural heritage of our three countries Italy/Friuli, Austria and Slovenia. 

There is a perfect fusion of dishes in each domestic house in Valcanale, starting from Frico con polenta (a typical dish from Friuli), Jota, beans and cabbage soup (a Slovenian dish) ending with delicious “Zwetschgenknödel” (plum dumplings, a typical Austrian speciality). We could mention far many more examples which are usually served in the loclal restaurants.  

The selection of the typical local products is very wide.

There are many pastures in our mountains; they gave birth to the renowned cheese Montasio, a true “Child of the Mountains” named after Julius Kugy’s favourite peak. 

You can eat it fresh, half fresh and mature. The Montasio is available at the dairy of Ugovizza, only few minutes car ride from our resort, where the local farmers deliver their fresh milk produced in their farms. A very special product it the Kuncir, with a quite sharp flavour; it is a sort of sour curd cheese and is best eaten with boiled potatoes. Another delicious cheese speciality is the Ricotta fresca, curd cheese, also available at the dairy of Ugovizza.  

Among local specialities there are excellent sausage products, for example the renowned Prosciutto di San Daniele and Prosciutto di Sauris, two towns not very far away from our area. A further local speciality is the Sasaka, a pâté made of pig fat - best eaten with brown bread - which once used to be made in every farmers house. 

Further local agricultural products are the garlic from Resia and the Radic di Mont - both Slow Food trademark products – as well as exquisite wild herbs sauces, jams  and elderflower juices. 

Thanks to the  proximity to border countries our region counts numerous restaurants offering Italian cuisine,  in particular fish specialities: they are very popular under our Austrian and Slovenian neighbours.  

Last but not least, our region offers the unique opportunity of passing the nearby borders to Austria and Slovenia and experience the varied culinary tradition of the “Border triangle”.
