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“Parco Internazionale Geominerario”

Palazzo Veneziano

Only a few steps away from us

A look beyond the border …

A unique holiday experience on the border crossing point of three countries.  

The geographical proximity of the Valcanale valley and Valbruna to Austria and Slovenia gives you the opportunity to spend an authentic no border holiday and benefit of the great variety of the three countries, ranging from the  leisure attractions of Friuli to the cultural and sporting options offered by the neighbouring Carinthia and Slovenia. 

Following destinations are reachable within a day trip from our chalets; this gives an additional value to your holiday in the Tre Confini area.

The “Parco Internazionale Geominerario” in Cave del Predil

In the town of Cave del Predil, 17 km from your chalet in the municipality of Tarvisio, there is an old mine which was definitely closed in 1991. The minerals blende and galena were extracted here from the Mount Re. 
Ever since 1006 these minerals had been used to obtain zinc and plumb (this is documented in the oldest mining documents dating back to this year). The mine of Cave del Predil has always characterized the life in this small town, once very animated and prospering, today quite nostalgic. 
Today the old mine has become the “Parco Internazionale Geominerario di Raibl”. A small train under the attendance of a guide takes the visitors into the mine  along a 900 meters long route. Visitors can thus personally experience how hard the miners life was. 
Parco Internazionale Geominarario di Raibl
Tel. +39 041 5240119
Fax +39 041 717771
Cell. +39 338 9384052 
Ufficio Turistico - Tarvisio Tourismusbüro
Main office: Via Roma 14, 33018 Tarvisio (UD)
Tel. +39 0428 2135
Fax +39 0428 2972

The Palazzo Veneziano in Malborghetto – 2 Km from your chalet

This palace was built in the 1591 by a Venetian family – that is why it is called “Veneziano”. The building witnessed 5 centuries of history of our valley, the town of Malborghetto and numerous local historical events.  The Palazzo Veneziano hosts a famous local history museum (“Museo etnografico”) and a library. It also the setting of various local events and highlights.

The market of Tarvisio

The market of Tarvisio is located only 5 km from your chalet and offers quite interesting shopping opportunities. The main products sold are dresses, bags, shoes and leather goods. This market confirms the definition “Marktstadt” given to the town of Tarvisio by the Hapsburg Emperor Franz Josef, because of the old commerce tradition of the city. Today this tradition is brought forth by the modern “Mercato di Tarvisio”. Although quite unusual for the distinctive Alpine and mountain connotation of Tarvisio, it has always been a very important centre of attraction, particularly for the neighbouring countries Austria and Slovenia.   CONTACT:   Mercato Tarvisio Via Vittorio Veneto 230, 33018 Tarvisio (UD)

Villach (Austria) - 35 km from your chalet

Villach is a quite lively and dynamic touristic, commerce and industrial city in Carinthia. It is located on the river Drava close to the lakes Ossiachersee, Wörthersee and Faaker See, particularly popular holiday destinations especially in summer. A nice stroll through the pedestrian zone of the city centre along the river or a pleasant break in a typical “Konditorei” (pastry shop) are as such a good reason to visit this nice city. The main jewel in terms of leisure attractions is the Thermal spa centre of Warmbad, for example an ideal destination in hot summer days if weather is bad. If you love shopping, the Atrio shopping centre is just the best place for you. A further worth seeing destination is the castle ruin of Landskron (Landskron castle): from here you can enjoy a breathtaking view over Villach and the Ossiachersee. During the Advent time the typical Advent Market makes the city centre very animated. A further highlight in the city life is the well known “Kirchtag” in the first August week, culminating on Saturday with the traditional costume parade, accompanied by cheerful dance, music and choir performances by local folk groups coming from Austria and the neighbouring countries.

Klagenfurt (Austria) – 70 km from your chalet

Klagenfurt, is the capital city of Carinthia: it is situated on the lake Wörthersee, one of the warmest lakes in Europe. Its nice old town has been honoured with the prestigious prize “Europa Nostra Diplom”, an European award which is assigned to cities which particularly distinguish themselves for the maintenance of their architectural and agricultural  heritage. The central Neuer Platz is dominated by the symbol of the city, the Lindwurm, a big green dragon.   On the west outskirts of the city visitors find the famous Minimundus, a unique fun park which shows perfect miniature reproductions of the most important monuments and  attractions of the world. 

Graz (Austria) – 215 Km from your chalet

Graz, the capital city of Styria, is the second largest city in Austria. After Vienna it has the largest leisure attraction offer range in the country.  Graz is a cultural city. The cityscape is characterized by the typical red roofs of the houses, numerous public parks and a small river flowing through the city centre. Under the architectural point of view Graz is a very interesting combination of Renaissance, Baroque and modern buildings looking ahead in the future. The city is dominated  by a wonderful hill with a small castle on the top: it is reachable through stairs, a cable way or a glazed panoramic elevator.  The high number of students attending the city university animate Graz in a very special way. 

Salzburg (Austria) – 220 km from your chalet

This city is world-famous for being the birth place of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Salzburg must simply be discovered ... Its old town is characterized by imposing palace, squares and one of the best preserved fortresses in Europe.  

Kranjska Gora (Slovenia) – 25 km from your chalet

Kranjska Gora is a small very lively winter resort in Slovenia, world famous for being the location of Alpine ski World Cup races. It has a nice small pedestrian zone in the centre. Thanks to the beauty of its natural environment it is a very popular touristic destination for all those tourists who love nature and outdoor leisure activities.  After a pleasant city stroll or a nice walk to the small nearby lakes you can enjoy relaxing moments in the Spa areas – accessible even to external customers – of the Hotel Larix and Špik situated just in the centre of the town. The town offers also excellent restaurants with Slovenian cuisine and a famous Casino. 

Lake of Bled (Slovenia) – 25 km from your chalet

The lake of Bled with its wonderful light blue and emerald green waters is one of the favourite excursion destinations of the Slovenians and foreign tourists. The island Blejski otok is situated in the middle of this legendary lake: it hosts a well-known 17th century Sanctuary church dedicated to the Virgin Mary Assumption. The lake is surrounded by nice forest slopes and the enchanting scenery of the Slovenian Julian Alps. A steep rock on the northern lakeshore is dominated by an imposing castle hosting a museum and a restaurant. The Lake of Bled is a thermal lake. 

Lubljana (Slovenia) - 115 Km from your chalet

Lubljana is one of the smallest (less than 300,000 inhabitants) and liveliest European capitals . It combines a pristine country atmosphere – for example at its farmer markets – with the typical flair of a capital city, either under the architectonical or the cultural point of view. In Lubljana you can find traces of all 5 millenniums of the history of this area, starting from the ancient Romans, through the Middle Ages – for example the imposing city dominating castle - and the Baroque period, visible in its building facades, decorated gates and typical oblique roofs. This variegated cityscape is enriched by the  picturesque bridges across the Ljubljanica river and the Tivoli Park, located in the city centre.  Lubljana has been awarded the Prize “Green European Capital 2016” for its high environmental sensibility and its wide and well preserved city parks. It is also a very pedestrian friendly city: the access with cars is not allowed in the city centre. For this reason it is very pleasant to live here or to discover this city as a tourist. 

Natural Park “Parco delle Prealpi Giulie” in Resia – 40 Km from your chalet

Considering its surface, the “Parco Naturale delle Prealpi Giulie” is the second largest natural reserve in the region Friuli Venezia Giulia. The geomorphological aspects and the presence of human settlements, which are almost entirely limited to the valley bottom, give to this area a strong wild trait. This is an enchanting intact environment immersed in silence and peace. CONTACT:  Ente Parco Naturale delle Prealpi Giulie Main office: Piazza del Tiglio, 3 - Fraz. Prato 33010 Resia (UD) Telefono: +39 0433 53534; Fax: +39 0433 53129

Udine – 90 Km from your chalet

Udine is a nice city with a high living and life quality. The most typical trait of the city is its fascinating old town with its well preserved squares and arcades hosting elegant shops and the imposing castle “Castello di Udine“ overlooking the whole city. Á visit to this city is a successful combination of culture, shopping and delicious culinary experiences. 

Trieste (Italy) - 156 km from your chalet

Trieste is a typical Mediterranean city and an important commercial and harbour centre with a very interesting cultural and historical past. Its main square “Piazza Unità”, situated just in front of the sea, is one of the most beautiful squares in Italy.   Trieste is a very attractive touristic destination. What a unique experience to arrive in Trieste coming the mighty Julian Alps and reach the blue coasts of the Adriatic Sea, travelling first through an Alpine scenery, crossing the typical local Karst areas and finally reach the city of Trieste! The outstanding panoramic view over the blue Adriatic  Sea  will remain an unforgettable memory, which helps us understand the great landscape variety of the region Friuli Venezia Giulia.  In Trieste one should not miss a visit to the nice old town and the magnificent Miramare Castle, which was built by the Hapsburg archduke Maximilian in 1855.

Venice (Italy) - 220 Km from your chalet

You don’t even need to use words to describe the most famous city of the world …  Venice, the city which can boast innumerable “Venice” imitations worldwide.  This unique jewel is incredibly close to our resort – that is why guests coming from far away or who have never visited this city should absolutely take this opportunity!  
